What is a 슬롯사이트 네임드카지노 Heat Spreader?

A 슬롯사이트 네임드카지노 heat spreader is a slim (typically ≤2 mm) sheet of synthetic (or lab-grown) 슬롯사이트 네임드카지노 used to dissipate heat. It is typically placed between a heat source and a heat sink.

슬롯사이트 네임드카지노s aren’t normally associated with thermal management, the materials and technologies used to control heat, especially in electronic devices.

But 슬롯사이트 네임드카지노s turn out to not only be forever, but are also amazing thermal conductors used to help dissipate potentially damaging heat in specialized, high-performance electronic equipment.

Many electronic components get hot when operating, and removing that 슬롯사이트 네임드카지노 is crucial to component performance and longevity. 슬롯사이트 네임드카지노 can change the properties of electronic components, making them less efficient and even causing damage over time. Thermal management is the science of moving 슬롯사이트 네임드카지노 away from components.

While 슬롯사이트 네임드카지노 is universally known for its hardness, there are actually two other properties — its electrical and thermal conductivity — that are key to its fast-growing use in heat spreaders.


A brill슬롯사이트 네임드카지노nt conductor, better than copper or SiC

A material’s ability to move 슬롯사이트 네임드카지노 is measured in thermal conductivity. Thermal conductivity is measured in Watts per meter-Kelvin, W/mK.  A material with a conductivity value of 1 W/mK will transfer 슬롯사이트 네임드카지노 at a rate of 1 watt for every degree Kelvin (or Celsius) of temperature difference across a thickness of 1 meter.

Copper is commonly used to carry away 슬롯사이트 네임드카지노 from electronic components. It has a thermal conductivity of around 400 W/mK, making it a good choice for many applications. Copper, however, is heavy and can easily tarnish and corrode. It’s not a good material to use for thermal management in microelectronics, harsh environments, or in aerospace where every gram counts. Lastly, copper is a good conductor of electricity, which can cause engineering challenges when using it for thermal management in electronics.

슬롯사이트 네임드카지노 is a crystalline arrangement of common carbon. It has the highest thermal conductivity of any material at 1,500-2,200 W/mK, about five times that of copper. How does 슬롯사이트 네임드카지노 conduct heat so well? The key is in its structure.


슬롯사이트 네임드카지노 Heat Spreaders

Diagram of the structure of 슬롯사이트 네임드카지노.


슬롯사이트 네임드카지노 has a cubic crystal structure. Each carbon atom is covalently bonded to four other carbon atoms to form a tetrahedron (pyramid shape). There are no free electrons in this structure, so 슬롯사이트 네임드카지노 does not conduct electricity. Common thermal conductors like copper have free electrons that make them highly electrically conductive. They can make use of peripheral electrons for heat transfer. Because 슬롯사이트 네임드카지노 isn’t electrically conductive, heat is transferred only through atomic vibrations. The rigid continuous crystal structure of 슬롯사이트 네임드카지노 enables these vibrations to travel very quickly through a piece of 슬롯사이트 네임드카지노. And that translates into fast heat conduction.

Purity is key to 슬롯사이트 네임드카지노’s heat conductivity. Impurities in 슬롯사이트 네임드카지노 can slow down or disrupt the spread of lattice vibrations, making it less efficient at conducting heat. (Some impurities can even change the key properties of 슬롯사이트 네임드카지노. For example, natural blue 슬롯사이트 네임드카지노 contains boron that makes it a semiconductor.)

슬롯사이트 네임드카지노’s crystal structure also make it extremely resistant to acids, bases, oxidants, and other chemicals. It’s the hardest naturally occurring material known. (Harder specialized man-made materials exist, but they don’t share 슬롯사이트 네임드카지노’s other unique properties.)

슬롯사이트 네임드카지노 is a good material for thermal management in high-performance microelectronics. 슬롯사이트 네임드카지노 heat spreaders conduct heat much better than copper or aluminum, don’t conduct electricity, are lightweight, resistant to corrosion, and are extremely durable.


Why 슬롯사이트 네임드카지노 instead of copper, aluminum or SiC

There are several reasons to use 슬롯사이트 네임드카지노 as a heat conductor instead of other materials like copper, aluminum, or SiC:

  1. Thermal co슬롯사이트 네임드카지노uctivity:슬롯사이트 네임드카지노 has a thermal conductivity between 1,500-2,200 W/mK, the highest known. Copper has a thermal conductivity of 400 W/mK, aluminum 220 W/mK.

  2. Thermal stability:슬롯사이트 네임드카지노 doesn’t expand or contract much at different temperatures, meaning it remains very stable over a wide range of temperatures. It also maintains its thermal conductivity over a wide range of temperatures. Both of these qualities are key in microelectronics, where space is at a premium.

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3.Corrosion resistance:슬롯사이트 네임드카지노 is immune to strong acids, bases, and even organic solvents.

4.Electrical co슬롯사이트 네임드카지노uctivity: 슬롯사이트 네임드카지노 does not conduct electricity and is a very good insulator.

5.Durability:슬롯사이트 네임드카지노 is one of the hardest materials known.

6.Lightweight:슬롯사이트 네임드카지노 is lightweight when compared to other common heat-conducting materials like copper.

7.Transparency:슬롯사이트 네임드카지노 can be transparent.


How 슬롯사이트 네임드카지노 Heat Spreaders are Made

슬롯사이트 네임드카지노 heat spreaders are made like other synthetic 슬롯사이트 네임드카지노 materials. Powerful microwaves blast methane gas, releasing carbon atoms that crystalize around a seed layer of 슬롯사이트 네임드카지노. A 슬롯사이트 네임드카지노 wafer grows slowly over time. 슬롯사이트 네임드카지노 heat spreaders can be made in many shapes and sizes but are typically only 2 mm or less in thickness. Many are opaque and black in color, but they can be made to be transparent when needed. 슬롯사이트 네임드카지노 heat spreaders are cut and shaped using powerful lasers or other cutting tools with 슬롯사이트 네임드카지노 surfaces.


Where are 슬롯사이트 네임드카지노 Heat Spreaders Used?

슬롯사이트 네임드카지노 heat spreaders are used anywhere engineers need highly efficient, lightweight, durable, and insulating heat conductors. They are often used in high-performance computing within data centers, LED lighting systems, electric vehicles, radiofrequency (RF) transmitters, and high-powerlasers.

They are also especially useful in equipment that must endure extreme conditions, like microelectronics in satellites or airplanes. They are perfect for many aerospace uses because they are lightweight, extremely durable, electrically insulating, and can transfer 슬롯사이트 네임드카지노 in extreme temperatures.

슬롯사이트 네임드카지노 heat spreaders are typically placed between heat-generating electronic components and larger passive radiators made from other materials like SiC, copper, or aluminum. They move heat energy away from electronics quickly into these larger passive or active radiators where it can be dissipated completely.

Learn more aboutCoherent CVD 슬롯사이트 네임드카지노 Substrates.


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