Ge슬롯사이트 볼트ral Optics
슬롯사이트 볼트 Combiners
Align 슬롯사이트 볼트2and other infrared laser 슬롯사이트 볼트 delivery systems with these dichroic 슬롯사이트 볼트splitters that transmit IR and reflect HeNe or visible wavelength diode-laser 슬롯사이트 볼트s.
These plano ZnSe optics simplify the process of aligning infrared optical systems by enabling a precisely collinear visible wavelength laser to be introduced into the 슬롯사이트 볼트 path.
Standard ZnSe 슬롯사이트 볼트 Combiner Selection
Choose from several different diameter standard ZnSe 슬롯사이트 볼트mbiners. Custom products on other substrates – including ZnS, and Ge – can be fabricated, as well.
Diameter (mm) |
Thick슬롯사이트 볼트ss (mm) |
Transmittance @ 10.6µm |
Reflectance |
Angle of Incidence (degrees) |
12.7 |
2.03 |
98% |
90% @ 633 nm |
45 |
19.05 |
2.03 |
25.4 |
3.05 |
38.1 |
3.05 |
50.8 |
5.08 |
19.05 |
2.03 |
90% @ 670 nm |
25.4 |
3.05 |
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Optical Manufacturing Capabilities
Learn about the vertically integrated capabilities for material growth, fabrication, 슬롯사이트 볼트ating, and assembly, and rigorous QA at 슬롯사이트 볼트herent. Dis슬롯사이트 볼트ver how these ensure the performance and reliability of our optics and minimize supply chain risks and uncertainties.