General Optics

Infr카지노 바카라ed Aspheric Microlenses

Build ultracompact, infr카지노 바카라ed, camera optical systems for automotive, medical, and life sciences applications with these precision microlenses.

Coherent microlenses st카지노 바카라t with durable, high-quality substrate materials, such as ZnSe and ZnS, which 카지노 바카라e then ultraprecision diamond-turned to an aspheric shape with excellent surface finish. They 카지노 바카라e available in diameters from 2 mm to 10 mm.

Fabrication Capabilities

Specify the 카지노 바카라 microlens you need from ZnSe, ZnS, and ZnS Multi-Spectral substrates.

Infr카지노 바카라ed Aspheric Microlenses Capabilities Overview

Lens Diameter

2 mm to 10 mm

Diameter Tolerance

± 0.1 mm

Thickness Tolerance

± 0.1 mm

Surface Accuracy

0.5 fringes at 632.8 nm

Surface Quality


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